The Family Freedom Protocol is a Taylormade program on how to take you from a stuck state (e.g. anxiety, depression, disconnected, shut down etc.) into a state of awareness and empowerment. It can be applied to every member of the family.
It will assist you to deal with any situation that comes into your home, so each of you gets some help. It will help you restore peace, harmony, love and understanding of each other.
This protocol isn’t limited to the family, you can enrol into the program for yourself or with your partner if as a couple you’re going through challenging times.
This program is very efficient because it works with 5 dimensions:
Conscious | Unconscious | Energy fields | Soul level | Cellular level
It delves deep into finding the core issues of the problem, not just the symptoms, to effect real change.
I will help you to recognize and understand your patterns, belief systems and your own structure of reality, and how to take responsibility for your own healing.
Incorporating work with the conscious & unconscious mind, Kinesiology, NLP techniques, inner child work, forgiveness, energy healing, and so much more.
This is a Taylormade program of 8 sessions.
It can take place over Zoom, in my practice or into your family home.
If you are ready to heal yourself and your family, please contact me and it will be my pleasure to guide you to step by step.
With love and light,